Shredded carbonara sprouts

Complete your Christmas table with this creamy side dish – even sprout haters are sure to enjoy the salty, cheesy, carbonara-inspired flavour

Serves 6


vegetable oil, for drizzling
130g smoked cubed pancetta or bacon lardons
600g brussels sprouts, shredded
100ml crème fraîche or double cream
10g parmesan or pecorino, finely grated, plus extra to serve


Heat a drizzle of oil in a large, shallow pan over a medium heat and fry the pancetta for 8-10 mins until golden and crisp. Remove to a bowl using a slotted spoon.

Sprinkle in ¼ tsp cracked black pepper and toast in the residual fat for a minute, then stir in the sprouts and continue to cook for 10 mins until the sprouts have wilted and are tender with just a slight bite. Stir in the crème fraîche and fried pancetta, followed by the cheese. Season to taste and scatter over more cheese before serving.